
Locking funds for a specific time period

Performing a lockdrop will reward a Keeper with unhatched Munchables.

The lockdrop is a core component of the Munchables gameplay. Based on the funds and duration of the lock, a Keeper will receive two benefits:

  • For every additional 1 ETH or equivalent locked, a Keeper receives a Munchable in an unhatched state.

  • Based on the size (ETH/USDB) and duration of the lock, the Keeper will receive a passive emission of schnibbles.

The lockdrop is the most direct method of acquiring Munchables and schnibbles, core components to the overall game.

Weighted Lock = (Amount of Token Locked * USD Price)

πŸ“– Dictionary Definition

βœ’οΈ Noun

πŸ—£οΈ Lock~drop

✏️ Derivatives/Synonyms: funds, fixed term, commit

1) Mimimum lock is for 30 days...I'm locking for 90 days! 2) Pop'n'lockdrop, fool!

3) I'm going to lockup 6 ETH so I can get myself a full snuggery-worth of Munchables.

4) Mo' lockdrop, mo' schnibbles.

Last updated