🌈Blast Rewards

Summarising the reward payouts for season 1.

Yield and Points

Calculations are based on a time-weighted average of the time it was in the lock and relative to the $ value of the deposit, specific to the currency that was locked.

Yield Quantities

  • ETH: 14.198507427192479966

  • WETH: 5.349481270614008950

  • USDB: 23858.506606245484292314

Available Points

Total Points:

  • 657534924.3594637


  • USDB: 52471286.9639

  • WETH: 179375527.365

  • ETH: 425688110.03

Calculation Methodology

Mi=(ti1.1βˆ‘j=1ntj1.1)+1M_i = \left( \frac{t_i^{1.1}}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}t_j^{1.1}} \right) + 1
pi=BPiΓ—qβ‹…Miβˆ‘j=1nqjβ‹…Mjp_i = BP_i \times \frac{q \cdot M_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}q_j \cdot M_j}


  • Mi​M_i​ is the multiplier.

  • ti​t_i​ is the total time locked

  • qq is the quantity of token locked.

  • nn is the total number of locks for a given token.

  • BPi​BP_i​ is the total amount of Blast points or the Blast yield distributed for the particular token ii (e.g. USDB, ETH, WETH).


  • βˆ‘j=1n\sum_{j=1}^{n} tj1.1t_j^{1.1} = 4632607493.0

  • βˆ‘j=1n\sum_{j=1}^{n} qjβˆ—Mjq_j*M_j = 17422.0012302952

  • tit_i = 1711491600 -block.timestamp


Calculations are similar to yield and points, however gold also takes into consideration the intended lock time chosen by the user. Therefore a bonus modifier is allocated to those who had locked for longer (up to 90 days, with 30 being the minimum).

Calculation Methodology

Mi=(ti1.1βˆ‘j=1ntj1.1+di1.15βˆ‘j=1ndj1.15)+1M_i = \left( \frac{t_i^{1.1}}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}t_j^{1.1}} + \frac{d_i^{1.15}}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}d_j^{1.15}} \right) + 1
pi=BGiΓ—qβ‹…Miβˆ‘j=1nqjβ‹…Mjp_i = BG_i \times \frac{q \cdot M_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}q_j \cdot M_j}


  • Mi​M_i​ is the multiplier.

  • ti​t_i​ is the total time locked

  • di​d_i​ is the total intended lock time

  • qq is the quantity of token locked.

  • nn is the total number of locks for a given token.

  • BGi​BG_i​ is the total amount of Blast gold distributed for the particular token ii (e.g. USDB, ETH, WETH).

Last updated