Blast Rewards
Summarising the reward payouts for season 1.
Last updated
Summarising the reward payouts for season 1.
Last updated
Calculations are based on a time-weighted average of the time it was in the lock and relative to the $ value of the deposit, specific to the currency that was locked.
ETH: 14.198507427192479966
WETH: 5.349481270614008950
USDB: 23858.506606245484292314
Total Points:
USDB: 52471286.9639
WETH: 179375527.365
ETH: 425688110.03
Calculations are similar to yield and points, however gold also takes into consideration the intended lock time chosen by the user. Therefore a bonus modifier is allocated to those who had locked for longer (up to 90 days, with 30 being the minimum).
is the multiplier.
is the total time locked
is the quantity of token locked.
is the total number of locks for a given token.
is the total amount of Blast points or the Blast yield distributed for the particular token (e.g. USDB, ETH, WETH).
= 4632607493.0
= 17422.0012302952
= 1711491600
is the multiplier.
is the total time locked
is the total intended lock time
is the quantity of token locked.
is the total number of locks for a given token.
is the total amount of Blast gold distributed for the particular token (e.g. USDB, ETH, WETH).