Withdrawing Funds After Closure
How to withdraw locked funds after the website has closed
Last updated
How to withdraw locked funds after the website has closed
Last updated
You can use the unlock function to withdraw any locked funds here:
For example, this would unlock 5 ETH
For example, this would unlock 693.9663 BLAST
You can unstake a Munchable here: https://blastscan.io/address/0xE0268E12C6902b110d4cB699Ac05f5bCe16c3faD#writeProxyContract
You can export a Munchable here: https://blastscan.io/address/0x610f749cF5AaF6EED8370e0617E68678fdE5d292#writeProxyContract
If you need to find your Munchable's ID, go to Blur: https://blur.io/blast/collection/munchables-nft
The 'RARITY' is the Munchable ID
Go back to Blastsan and enter ID into the 'tokenID': https://blastscan.io/address/0xE0268E12C6902b110d4cB699Ac05f5bCe16c3faD#writeProxyContract
'Write' the transaction. Voila, your Munchable NFT should be in your wallet.
'Write' the transaction. Voila, your Munchable NFT should be in your wallet.
Please make sure your Munchables are cared for and given a safe snuggery away from the game. Thank you playing. đžâ¤ī¸
It's been a pleasure schnibbling with you!