πŸ†Earning Munch Points

A Player Must Claim Their Munch Points Every 24 Hours

A player must claim their Munch Points every day. If a player misses a claim, the Munch Points that they would have claimed go into the next day's pot for everyone to share! However, as long as a player carries out a single action in a single day, Munch Points will be claimed automatically for them. For example, if a player feeds a Munchable that day, their Daily Munch Points will auto-claim.

In the mystical world of the Munchables, the ultimate quest for every Keeper is to farm as many Munch Points as possible. This grand endeavour, dear adventurer, is the heart and soul of the game, driving your every action and decision in this enchanted land.

To uncover the secrets of Munch Points, and to master the art of earning them, one must delve into the hallowed tome known as the Glossary. Within its pages, you will find a detailed overview, a treasure trove of knowledge, revealing the myriad ways to amass these coveted points.

Remember, the path to greatness is paved with Munch Points, and every step you take in nurturing your Munchables brings you closer to becoming a legendary Keeper in this fantastical world. Consult the Glossary, learn its secrets, and may your quest for Munch Points be ever fruitful!

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