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A view of all the Munchables a player currently owns
The munchadex allows players to scroll through and filter Munchables by realm, rarity, or status (which Munchables a player owns). This allows players to gamify the collecting of Munchables: aim to collect them all, or pick a subset and try to give every Moltanian Munchable a home in your snuggery.
Players can choose their strategy and the achievement that they wish to aim for.
Munchables is not only a cute game, it's a game of strategy too!
âī¸ Noun
đŖī¸ Munch~a~dex
âī¸ Derivatives/Synonyms:
collection, everything, rolodex, munchlist
1) I own Aquaplunge Glimmersage. Now, if I filter for other Munchables from Drench - if I own any, they're going to earn me +10% in my snuggery. 2) I can filter the munchadex to see all the Munchables from Drench. I'm going to aim to own 6 of them because my snuggery is in Drench.
3) One day I will own every single Munchable there is. I will rule the world! Mwahahahaha.