🐣Hatched & Unhatched

Revealing a new Munchable

🐣 The Process of Revealing a Munchable After Purchase

Munchables are born into their world in pods. They arrive in an unhatched state. A Keeper must hatch their primordial pod to unveil the Munchable within. This reveal process is random based on the rarity distribution.

πŸ“– Dictionary Definition

βœ’οΈ Verb

πŸ—£οΈ Hatched & Un~hatched

✏️ Derivatives/Synonyms: revealed, un-revealed, pod, mystery, birth, born

1) I've got an unhatched Munchables. I'm going to hatch it after I go to the gym as a reward for being healthy. 2) When I hatched my Munchable, I revealed Auragaze Whiskerling. I am now in love!

3) My Munchable is currently unhatched; I can't wait to hatch it so I can say hello.

Last updated