
The physical, emotional and social attributes of a Munchable

πŸ“Š Each Individual Munchable's Strengths & Weaknesses

Attributes show the strengths/weaknesses of each individual Munchable. They are split into three categories: physical, mental, and social.

πŸ“– Dictionary Definition

βœ’οΈ Noun

πŸ—£οΈ Att~rib~utes

✏️ Derivatives/Synonyms: characteristics, credits, qualities, character

1) Why does your Glimmergruff have different attributes to my Glimmergruff? Well, all stats are randomly generated when they evolve. Each Munchable has its own personality!

2) This Munchable has Agility 36. Is it a gymnast?!

3) Twilightshroud has great defence. Its voracity is lower, but what fantastic defence.

Last updated